Stay On Your Path

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They say, “it takes 21 days to break a habit”. What do you think?

We’re out the gates and around the corner of January 2015 and I challenge you to think about your life’s direction. How far have you come and what you have accomplished since the start of the year?

Resolutions were made, some were broken, while others have stayed the course. Have you taken the time to sit back and reflect on your progress thus far? If no, this is the perfect time to get focus and back in line again. The good news is that, if you’re living, breathing and reading this post you still have time to make the necessary changes and get moving towards your goals.

This journey is a mental, physical and spiritual battle and you have to be ready to handle what will come your way. Here are 10 tips to keep you going forward:

  1. Assess your current situation. Figure out where you truly want to be and what you’re going to do to get there.
  2. Appreciate the “process” in reaching your goals. You can look back and be thankful.
  3. Take responsibility for your actions. Know that there is always a positive or negative consequence.
  4. Admit your faults and emphasize your strengths.
  5. You’re human: briefly give yourself permission to release your feelings and get focus again.
  6. Be aware of distractions and work on reducing or eliminating them.
  7. You’re worth it! Don’t apologize for your worth, continue to maximize on your strengths.
  8. We were not made perfect, so don’t expect to be that all the time.
  9. Just shine! Be who you are intended to be.
  10. When you feel like you’re going off course, repeat the above.

Wishing you a Life of Adventure, Exploration and Testing Limits!

Connect The DOTS

Image Source (Honking Donkey)

Image Source (Honking Donkey)

When was the last time you looked back at your life and pondered the possibilities?

Have you connected your dots or found the link to a better and more fulfilling life?

Growing up here in beautiful Barbados has been a great blessing in my life. I have had the opportunity to live a full life (the love of family and friends, the nurturing support as I went from a child, to an adolescent, and to an adult).

When I moved to the United States as a young adult, my life was filled with even more experiences — successes, failures, even disappointments– all taking place in a big pond called New York City.  There, I faced harsh realities only to meet them with courage; I was taken for granted by some, respected by others; lived impulsively at times, yet have learned to worked harder, steadier and smarter.

Ultimately I persevered. Today, I finally feel like I can connect the dots. What they ultimately project as a big picture…only God knows.

S today is not the end of a journey; I am not a finished project, but a work in progress, improving in quality at every moment. Despite the ups and downs, I wouldn’t trade my experiences for anything else. They have made me who I AM.

I would like to share with you, a few things I have learned in and about life. These beliefs have allowed me to realize that we are “never alone” in this adventure called life, and that it’s up to us to create and shape our own future. These points may seem simple or obvious, yet they are important, and they take time, patience, practice and passion to put into action.

  • Be yourself…STAY HUMBLE
  • Have faith…BE STRONG
  • Genuinely take an interest in others…LISTEN
  • Help those in need…VOLUNTEER
  • Build and foster relationships…NETWORK
  • Be honest and let others know your intentions…SPEAK UP
  • Knowledge is power…BE INFORMED
  • Be open to learning and experiencing new things, people, cultures etc…STAY OPEN-MINDED
  • Treat others as you would like to be treated. We’re all human beings and deserve to feel worthwhile…RESPECT OTHERS
  • Share enough of yourself so others can understand you… SHARE

      Live life to the fullest, within reason and know that you are blessed!

FITtrepreneur Entrepreneur Circle | Barbados

FITtrepreneur Entrepreneur Circle | Barbados

I’m very excited to share my newest initiative “FITtrepreneur”, which will be launched during Global Entrepreneurship Week! Celebrate entrepreneurship and experience an enlightening evening in a circle of dynamic and committed entrepreneurs, who are ready to share candidly on the things that impact our personal and business success.

Gap: The Importance of Adopting, Living, and Maintaining a Positive Attitude and Balanced Lifestyle as an Entrepreneur.

Are you an entrepreneur? Will you be participating in #GEW2014 ? What is your current business challenge? Can this movement help you?

It’s time to take charge of your destiny! Come on entrepreneurs, let’s talk about it!

FITtrepreneur Poster_Nov20-01

October 26


My life was changed again and forever.

3 years living and doing my ground work here in Barbados. God spare my life, there is definitely a book in me, but until then only a few words and statements can capture my experiences to date.

NEW YORK, thank you for the 13 years of welcoming me, challenging me, teaching me and growing me into the woman I am today

BARBADOS, thank you to those who saw me leave and those who welcomed me back.


  • The Unknown
  • Back To Basics
  • Lessons Learned
  • Disappointments
  • Business
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Mental Victory
  • Lifestyle
  • Growth
  • Knowledge
  • Gratitude
  • Focus
  • Patience
  • Practice
  • Clarification
  • Documentation
  • Honesty
  • Trust
  • Faith
  • Failure
  • Success
  • Value
  • Support network
  • Persevere
  • Fear No One but God
  • Eyes Wide Open
  • Live your Truth
  • Forgive for you
  • Remember
  • Keep Smiling
  • Move Forward
  • Strive For Excellence
  • Stand Tall
  • Real Family
  • Real Friends
  • Real LOVE

Keep believing in yourself and going for what is yours and you deserve!

FITtrepreneur: Making You Fit For Business!

FITtrepreneur Logo-01

“Creating lasting impact is a challenging task, does not happen overnight and is difficult to measure.” ~#GEW2013 Impact Report

Last November I attended and participated in Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) here in Barbados. The week was filled with so many activities, I met fellow entrepreneurs, business persons and professionals, yet I felt empty! Why am I here? What’s in it for me? The week is over now what?

The moment I question, is the moment I need to do something about it. Days and weeks went by and I started to gather my thoughts, put pen to paper as to what I would want and want other entrepreneurs to experience about GEW. After all it is about and for us!

My proposal was completed, I spoke to my mentor, I met with the Barbados Youth Business Trust, host of Global Entrepreneurship Week and the rest is history! FITtrepreneur will be launched at the Cave Hill School of Business on Thursday November 20th, 2014.

FITtrepreneur is a movement, a community, a lifestyle, an identity for entrepreneurs who aspire to be successful and are on a mission to fulfill their vision. Our role is to help bring businesses into balance (spiritual, mental, physical, and financial) by creating opportunities that are practical, economical, visible, beneficial and sustainable for all involved.

Critical to our FITtrepreneur community is providing Spaces For Conversation, to start talking about the issues that are seriously impacting entrepreneurs; such as maintaining family life balance, lack of cash flow, maintaining a company vision, support and processes. FITtrepreneur also seeks to engage, empower and challenge young entrepreneurs/business people to look within themselves, their full life, see and understand their potential, identify the problems, and take the necessary action to minimize these said issues, while envisioning the possibilities, figuring out and creating pathways to success. This is a working community willing to re-define the status quo and our current situation by doing our due diligence, continually educating ourselves, staying abreast of activities, policies and processes that may impact us.

Are you a young entrepreneur? Can this movement help you realize your dreams?

Spotlight Challenge

celia an peter pose heart an strokeJust when I thought my life as an athlete and competing was over, that came to a screeching halt on Saturday September 20th, 2014, when Mr. Peter Boyce, radio personality and actor CHALLENGED me live on the Bajan Living radio show Q 100.7 FM to a PLANK OFF!!

If you don’t know what a plank is, feel free to check out 30 day fitness challenges to learn more

So how did this all start?

A week ago I met Mr. Boyce at the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Barbados (HSFB), where he interviewed the team to learn more about our upcoming events scheduled for International World Heart Day on Monday September 29th, 2014. I own and operate Bajan Fusion, a Healthy Lifestyle Event Management Service and we are currently working in partnership with the HSFB on a one (1) year project.

Days later Peter invited us to come on the show, which by the way was so much fun, very entertaining and refreshing! It’s funny how I went into the studio to do a job and surprisingly enough left with a bigger task of Peter announcing our challenge. For those of you who knows me know that I am always up for a challenge and willing to test my limits as long as it is humanly possible and within my ability.

So who will be the CHAMPION?
Don’t miss the action happening live on the Bajan Living radio show 100.7 Q FM on Saturday October 25th! Who said fitness wasn’t fun? You too can get in on the action by joining the event via AND being part of a fun and entertaining, battle of the sexes, entrepreneurial fitness adventure!

Gratitude with Grace

A week ago, I accepted the Gratitude Challenge from a dear friend in the USA and I had to follow these simple steps… “To keep the gratitude challenge going I want you to challenge two people post 3 reasons you are grateful for 5 days and challenge 2 new people to join the movement. #GratitudeChallenge”

I was happy to take on the challenge. It gave me the opportunity to live in the moment, reflect, have a deeper appreciation for my priorities and to maintain focus. The beauty about the challenge was that, I was able to experience the thoughts and feelings of the friends who I tagged and it felt good to be on this enlightening journey with them.

A positive attitude is the beginning of any journey and I hope that regardless of how big or small, that we continue to practice an act of gratitude every day for the rest of our lives.

Day 5 of the #GratitudeChallenge
(1) I am happy that I completed the 5 day gratitude challenge, as a reminder to keep my life, my passions and my future in perspective.
(2) I am grateful that I got up this morning went to the beach to continually work on conquering my fear of the ocean and improving my swimming and my freestyle technique…thanks to my instructor.
(3) I am thankful for daily gratitude, humility, patience, open-mindedness, health, strength, love and most of all LIFE!

Day 4 of the #GratitudeChallenge.
(1) I am happy that I can challenge myself to new experiences and live beyond my fears.
(2) I am grateful that I can crack myself up at the things I sometimes say and do. 
(3) I am thankful Facebook allows me to stay in touch with my USA family/friends and we can continue to share our lives and reminisce on the memories.

Day 3 of the ‪#‎GratitudeChallenge‬.
(1) I feel really good today and I’m inspired even more to act on my goals and vision.
(2) I am grateful that I am living out my purpose, making a difference and positively impacting the lives of many, one person, one opportunity at a time.
(3) I am thankful for God ‘s love and how he sends messengers via my Facebook inbox to share his word, inspire me and give me the strength and confidence to believe that nothing I am doing is in vain or unworthy of his praise!

Day 2 of the #GratitudeChallenge.
(1) I am truly grateful for waking up this morning
(2) I am grateful for my ability to stay positive and persevere despite the odds
(3) I am thankful for real friendships and relationships past and present.

Day 1 of the #GratitudeChallenge.
(1) I am truly grateful for my very close and very real family, friends and business mentors/advisers.
(2) I am thankful for love, life, health, strength and peace of mind.
(3) I am thankful for my vision and my ability to create what I believe is my best life!

What are your grateful for today?

Ruffled Wings and Daring Greatly!


Fail Daring Greatly!

When people come into your life to shake things up, don’t fight it, welcome it!

Last week I had a humbling experience with an individual who from their stance, highlighted my strengths and weaknesses, which of course seemed to have impacted them. Due to circumstance, was I a bit taken back? Yes! But what I learned during and after that conversation, was that it was timely and necessary. Thankful for the feedback, I walked away with the lessons learned and saw this as an opportunity to re-focus, re-tool, re-position, streamline and assert who I am and who I can be.

For those who know me, knows that I will give my best to people regardless of who they are and where they are from. And if and when I can’t, they would know that too. Often times you will give of your time, energy and talent to people who don’t deserve it, but in the end they are who they are and all you can do is be you, learn to read between the lines, do what you know and deem to be right.

While you are on this journey call life, remember to make some stops along the way to reflect, appreciate, iterate and pivot. Whether the experience is negative or positive, how you handle it will make all the difference in the world. So, choose your attitude and move forward with grace.

ANYWAY by Mother Theresa

mother-teresa do good

I had one of many conversations with my big sister about my entrepreneurial journey. Sharing the highs and lows of living out my purpose, utilizing my knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) to create, connect and make a difference.
Not only is she is a good listener, but also provides good feedback that is always on time and on point. She shared her wisdom and this amazing poem, which made my day. I had never heard about or read it before, but it will stick we me forever. It’s deep, it’s intense, it’s the TRUTH!

My dear friends and networks, dream big, live life, help others, put your best foot forward and keep moving towards realizing your goals and dreams. Be inspired and cheers to your SUCCESS!